'Breast cancer rate highest in Pakistan'

05 Feb, 2008

National Co-ordinator of Pink Ribbon Campaign Omer Aftab has said Pakistan has the highest rate of breast cancer as compare to any other Asian country. Afab said every year breast cancer was detected in 83,000 women and 43,000 died.
Aftab, giving a presentation on the objectives of the Pink Ribbon Campaign and the cancer situation in Pakistan on the Pink Ribbon day at Unilever Pakistan, said it was the dire need of the time that people took this disease seriously, because it was claiming lives every year.
He said that the campaign's first phase started creating youth awareness and now it was entering the second one. He also said his organisation had launched its "co-operate social responsibility programme" - a concept in which organisations consider the interests of society by taking responsibility for the impact of their activities on customers, employees, shareholders, communities and the environment in all aspects of their operations. He said that by joining hands with Pink Ribbon, Unilever had volunteered to take steps to improve awareness among employees and their families.
The Unilever manager said, "A huge responsibility comes on the Unilever after taken this initiative, but sine the company believes in Pink Ribbon's objectives so it will extend every support to the campaign. Unilever will arrange Pink Ribbon days at its offices nation wide and support the Pink Ribbon cause."

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