Five convicted of helping failed London suicide bombers

05 Feb, 2008

Five men were convicted Monday of helping mount failed suicide bombings on London in 2005 two weeks after successful attacks that killed more than 50 people.
A jury at Kingston Crown Court found the five - including the brothers of two of the failed July 21, 2005 bombers - guilty of providing safe houses, passportsions on London's public transport system.
Four men - Yassin Hassan Omar, 24; Muktar Said Ibrahim, 27; Ramzi Mohammed, 26; and Osman Hussain, 27 - were found guilty last year over the failed attacks on the London underground and a bus. The attacks, which were aborted after their devices failed to go off, came exactly two weeks after July 7 attacks in which four suicide bombers launched simultaneous attacks, killing themselves and 52 other people. Sherif was Osman's brother and was in touch with him in the run up to the failed attacks. Wahbi Mohammed is the brother of Ramzi Mohammed.

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