Electioneering: caretaker ministers asked to refrain from politics

07 Feb, 2008

Caretaker ministers of the Sindh Cabinet are instructed once again to refrain from indulging into politics of their areas of residence, it was learnt on Wednesday.
Taking notice of activities of caretaker ministers, the Sindh Chief Minister has asked them to let the political process sail smoothly and avoid supporting candidates in "any way" so that the election process remains transparent.
The Chief Minister has taken notice of ministers having soft corner for Pakistan Muslim League (Functional), and asked them to refrain from participating in campaigning for their "friends".
He once again asked the provincial secretaries to stick to instructions regarding transfers and postings of officers/officials on the recommendations of former Sindh ministers and refer them to him for action. Sindh Services and General Administration sources said that despite instructions to maintain statuesque in matters of transfers and postings, the caretaker ministers were still asking to "find ways to accommodate their requests."
Finding no explanation from the caretaker government, those who were given appointment orders by the outgoing Sindh government as teachers and police officials have approached the Sindh Secretariat to know their fates.
Sources said that a committee had been set up to look into the "last minute appointment orders" but so far nothing had been heard from this committee. They said that the large number of people with the appointment orders in their hands visited the secretariat to know about their fate. They said that there was no hope that these orders would be implemented ever.

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