Who're they?

07 Feb, 2008

Ex-Servicemen Society comprising former Armed Forces commanders in its much hyped and publicised meeting in Islamabad has made some big demands which are nothing more than being unreasonable, unrealistic and uncalled for, indeed.
They have demanded resignation of President Pervez Musharraf, setting up of a national government headed by the deposed Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, appointment of deposed Justice (retired) Rana Bhagwan Das as the Chief Election Commissioner and what not. They have given a deadline to President Pervez Musharraf to step down otherwise be ready to face countrywide protest movement by ex-servicemen.
But who are they after all to make such demands? They are a few individuals none of whom enjoys the status of being elected representatives of the people. They are only trying to give vent to their hurt sentiments and feelings somehow.
The National and Provincial Assemblies and the Senate had elected Pervez Musharraf as the President for another term of five years. The Constitution has laid down the procedure for impeaching the sitting President. Only two third majority of the Parliament can do so and ask President Pervez Musharraf to step down. This was also pointed out by President Pervez Musharraf during his just concluded European countries tour.

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