Partly Facetious: Musharraf's concern about post poll situation

07 Feb, 2008

"So was President Musharraf's trip to Europe a success."
"It's the old I will know when people want me out syndrome and when they do I will go."
"I don't get you."
"Well, to the protesters in Europe he said you are a minority and the silent majority, or those living in the rural areas of Pakistan want him to stay..."
"Any surveys to back that up?"
"You must be joking. If there was a way to survey those people he would have come up with some other group."
"So has he convinced the Europeans that he is the best option for them?"
"Shouldn't he be saying he is the best option for Pakistan?"
"That too and only the illiterate silent majority living in rural areas knows that."
"Don't be facetious."
"But he got bad publicity in Europe and didn't stop insisting that the world leaders are giving him full support behind closed door meetings."
"I get it. So because he is the only one privy to the support..."
"Or at least the supporters don't want to let it become public..."
"That's right, so he is secure and the Pakistani public must believe that and vote for his party?"
"No, sometimes he says he has no party..."
"If he doesn't he can be impeached all the quicker."
"Maybe he didn't think of that."
"I can't believe he hasn't thought of that. Actually if you recall a meeting he had with senior editors prior to his departure for Europe he did mention his concern about the country post elections."
"The power of the presidency maybe limited..."
"Not, if Kayani comes to the rescue."
"Kayani is recalling all serving army people from their civilian duties and has said categorically that he will not involve the army in politics and..."
"Hmmmm, let's wait and see. In all instances the one promoted has taken some time..."
"Don't be facetious."

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