PPP candidates vow to carry on Benazir's mission

08 Feb, 2008

The NWFP chapter of Pakistan Peoples' Party (PPP) on Thursday observed the Chehlum of the late Chairperson Benazir Bhutto with a resolve to continue struggle for the accomplishment of her mission for restoration of democracy and betterment of the downtrodden in the country.
In this connection a function was held at Jinnah Park. Hundreds of party activists and candidates for National and Provincial Assemblies attended to pay tribute to their late leader. The venue was decorated with portraits and banners of the party candidates from the district.
Those who attended were including candidates of all four National Assembly and eleven provincial assembly constituencies from the district and two PPP affiliated Town Nazims of the City District attended. The City District Nazim Haji Ghulam Ali also attended the Chehlum ceremony.
Speaking on the occasion, the PPP candidates pledged the continuation of the struggle of the late Benazir Bhutto and vowed that they will not hesitate from rendering any kind of sacrifice in that regard.
They were of the view that the leadership of the party had always rendered sacrifices for poor of the country and unification of the Muslim Ummah. "We will carry on their mission and will not hesitate from any kind of sacrifice," vowed Engineer Shakirullah, PPP candidate for PF-5, Peshawar.

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