IFTDO awards membership to Nutshell Forum

08 Feb, 2008

Pakistan's leading conference management and training resource organisation Nutshell Forum was awarded the membership of International Federation of Training & Development Organisation (IFTDO).
The IFTDO has in its fold a total of 7,500 members from different countries of the world and Nutshell Forum became the first company of Pakistan to represent the country in this highly exalted group of IFTDO members.
Expressing his view on this auspicious occasion, Muhammad Azfar Ahsan, Global CEO, Nutshell Forum said "Our selection as a member of IFTDO is matter of great pride and honour for us as this affiliation with IFTDO provide us an opportunity to represent Pakistan in this organisation of international fame.
Nutshell Forum always strive to provide the organisations operating in Pakistan an opportunity to enhance their employees profile by inviting prominent international and local speakers during the conferences, seminars and training sessions organised by us on a large number of vital national and international issues and we are committed to continue our endeavour in this regard in future also.
Ebrahim Khalifa Al Dossary (Board Member IFTDO), Advisor to the Prime Minister of Bahrain and Vice President Arab Management Society welcomes the entry of Nutshell Forum in IFTDO. He said that during my visit to Pakistan some months ago, I got the chance to meet the CEO of Nutshell Forum and having thorough.-PR discussion with him on the issues pertaining to training and development.-PR

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