Name of the game...

08 Feb, 2008

In our 'land of the pure', the name of the game these days is egotism coupled with high doses of narcissism. Traces abound. All we hear these days are achievements and goals spiel capped by assurances of better times to come.
Better times? But what about the present times? If only gilded towers are taken leave off and sycophants sidelined for a moment, and a man or woman on the streets, who wait for hours and hours just to get a bag of atta to feed hungry mouths in their homes, are asked. People are hungry.
People cannot afford to eat one square meal a day. Sick cannot afford medicines. Educating children is no priority at all. Numero Uno Priority is; Staying alive!
Seems as if a utopian situation is being tried to be dubbed into reality, though it seemingly is totally out of sync with ground realities. Digging up roots of shortages and spiralling prices, is like saying its not the moment the car hits you that's important, or the split second when you stepped off the kerb without looking. It can be that as soon as you stopped checking when you crossed the street, that's when the trouble really began. The moment of impact is what you remember however, and all other futures remain covered with thick shrouds of doubts and insecurity.
These shrouds need to be 'washed' away, not 'wished' away. The situation seems more like a bald man wearing an ill-fitted wig; everyone knows it does not sit well but the wearer while feeling, knowing and seeing the ill-fit, is led to believe it to be the best fit.

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