Safer Internet Day on February 12

11 Feb, 2008

Safer Internet Day will be observed throughout the globe on February 12. The theme for Safer Internet Day 2008 is "Life online is what you make of it":
Is the Internet a positive or negative element in today's world? Are mobile phones only about "connecting people"? Can we believe everything we see on the Internet? Do we behave differently online than in the "physical" world? How does our behaviour impact on the online environment?
Safer Internet Day is organised under the patronage of Commissioner Reding. The event builds on the success of Safer Internet Day 2007, when 100 organisations in more than 40 countries took part.
Safer Internet Day takes place each year in February and is an opportunity to dedicate some time in educational institutions to reflect on some of the issues and more importantly to raise awareness of them. Safer Internet Day provides an opportunity to celebrate the right of every child to enjoy safe and rewarding Internet experiences.
Safer Internet Day is a yearly event, taking place in the month of February. It is organised by Insafe, the European Internet safety network. In 2007, 43 countries from all over the world participated in Safer Internet Day.
The Safer Internet plus programme aims to promote safer use of the Internet and new online technologies, particularly for children. Safer Internet Day is part of a global drive to promote a safer Internet for all users, especially young people.
To celebrate Safer Internet Day, young people are invited to express their ideas and other aspects of the virtual world by participating in an international blogathon.
The Safer Internet Programme has changed its website. The changes include information and a list of general safety advice concerning the Internet and other communication technologies as well as an easier way of finding information about the national activities taking place within the framework of the Programme.
In 2008, the European Commission focuses particularly on the experiences and involvement of young people. In celebration of Safer Internet Day 2008, the European Commission organises a Youth Forum on Safer Internet in Brussels where youth (14-17 year olds) from nine countries including Austria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Netherlands, Sweden and UK will discuss issues related to their use of online technologies. They will present their recommendations to Viviane Reding, Commissioner for Information Society and Media, industry and politicians.
The Youth Forum will in particular discuss issues related to risks, experiences and precautions taken in using mobile phones and social networking sites, and the youth will also be encouraged to create a set of 10 awareness tips for their age group.
All around Europe, organisations will participate in Safer Internet Day activities to promote a safer use of Internet and other communication technologies, organised by the Insafe awareness network. Young people are invited to express their ideas about aspects of the virtual world by creating a multimedia project for the Safer Internet Day 2008 Competition on the topic "Life online is what you make of it". The winners will be announced on Safer Internet Day 2008.
The international blogathon is a worldwide event beginning on Safer Internet Day and lasting a week. The blogathon will generate worldwide discussion with young people on important Internet safety issues to help create an understanding of the online world and people's attitudes and behaviours when they are using the Internet.

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