LCCI hails powers suspension of FBR Intelligence chief

16 Feb, 2008

Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) President Mohammad Ali Mian, Senior Vice President Mian Muzaffar Ali, Vice President Shafqat Saeed Piracha and former president Sheikh Mohammad Asif on Friday hailed Federal Minister Commerce, Trade and Industry Shahzada Alam Mannoo and Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) Chairman Abdullah Yousaf for suspending the powers of FBR Director General Intelligence and Investigation he got through an amendment in SRO 471(I) 2007.
The Amendment in SRO 471(I) 2007 empowered the FBR DG Intelligence and Investigation to access to the businesses' record, documents, summon people, search business premises, adjudicate and refer cases to High Court.
Moahhamd Ali Mian, soon after a telephonic conversation with Federal Minister for Commerce, Trade and Industry Shahzada Alam Mannoo, said that the suspension of powers of Intelligence chief will bring a positive change as the powers had not been vitiating the business atmosphere in the country but was also causing undue harassment among the businessmen.
He said the suspension of powers endorses the business community point that the Amendment in the SRO 471(I) 2007 was illogical and without any justification. He said the step, taken on the chamber initiative and supported by other chambers in the country, would go a long way in creating a friendly-business environment and further enhance the trust between government functionaries and the business community.

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