100 miscreants surrender with arms

17 Feb, 2008

About 100 miscreants along with their arms and ammunitions on Saturday surrendered themselves to the District Police and laid their arms and pledges to live in peace and work on maintaining harmony in their district.
They were also later presented to the local media persons at the Police Line, Mingora at a special ceremony held in connection with their surrender. DCO Swat Arsahd Majeed, DIG Malakand Region Akhtar Ali Shah, DPO Swat Waqif Khan, SP Investigation Rafique Khan and Chairman Peace Committee Sher Khan were present on the occasion.
The surrendered miscreants were later released on three personal surety bonds. They pledged to work for the maintenance of public order in the district. They also filled a form giving in writing about the future conduct.
The Peace Committee chairman and candidate for PF-83 Sher Khan while addressing the ceremony appreciated the amnesty by the security forces for those giving up militancy and said: "We all are united for peace and will tolerate any efforts to achieve the desired end in this regard."
DCO Swat Arshad Majeed and DIG Malakand Region Akhtar Ali Shah in their addresses on the occasion said that unrest in the scenic Swat district has adversely affected the tourism, but now with the blessing of Allah Almighty, the situation was under control and hailed the role of the general public and the media in this regard.
They said we all are Muslims and believed in Nifaz-e-Shariat, but nobody could announce Jihad at his own as it is the responsibility of the State. They said the federal government has approved lucrative Rs 3 billion uplift package for Swat district, while the work was in progress to implement Islamic system in the district. They passed a message to the militants to give up their efforts and instead work for the maintenance of public order in the district and settled their problems through peaceful means.

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