'PPP will not compromise on democracy, rights of people'

17 Feb, 2008

'Pakistan People's Party (PPP) would forge consensus with other political parties in parliament and out of it on key national issues and would even deliberate with parties that have boycotted polls on matters of democracy'.
Speaking in a reference held under the auspices of South Asian Free Media Association (Safma) to pay homage to late prime minister Benazir Bhutto here at a local hotel on Saturday, the secretary general PPP Jehangir Badr dilated that an understanding in this connection had been reached between Asif Ali Zardari co-chairperson PPP and Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Quaid of PML-N in a meeting during the day.
Badr showed resolve that PPP moving on the footsteps of late Zulifkar Ali Bhutto founder chairman PPP and later Benazir Bhutto would never compromise on democracy and rights of the people.
The meeting was a highly attended show of political workers and was participated by Asma Jehangir human rights activist; S.M Masud former federal minister; Lieutenant General Taalat Masud (Retd); Sartaj Aziz former finance minister; Sherry Rehman central information secretary PPP and others.
Secretary general Safma Imtiaz Alam in his address on the occasion stressed upon PPP leadership to make collective decisions and endeavour for prevalence of democratic culture within the party. He said while striving to fill in the gap of late martyred leader Benazir Bhutto, PPP ranks should concentrate on forming a strong cabinet rather than striving to bring a towering prime minister.
Secretary general Safma asked PPP to form a constitutional as well as a judicial commission for restoration of 1973 constitution as well as independence of judiciary in the country. Imtiaz Alam also stressed upon PPP to remove restrictions imposed upon journalists and judiciary, if they come into power.
Asma Jehangir who related her long association with Benazir Bhutto while remembering her on the occasion termed her as an extraordinary visionary leader. She said Benazir was the leader who had the courage to make 'Roshan Khial Pakistan'. Jehangir termed her as princess of downtrodden of the country.
Sherry Rehman central secretary information PPP speaking about her late leader in the reference said it was she who had brought her to political arena. 'She was larger than life while alive and bigger in status even in death', she averred.
Rehman said Benazir Bhutto in unequivocal terms had told the party that as PPP was symbol of federation thus it was the duty of the party to safeguard it. She said late leader was unique in vision for Pakistan and had strong belief that solutions for all intricate problems were possible. Rehman termed Benazir's contribution for uplift of status of women in Pakistan as having no parallel.
Former finance minister Sartaj Aziz on the occasion said sorrow and grief diminishes with time, but death of 'BB' had created a grief that would increase while the time passes.

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