Edhi deprived of right to vote

19 Feb, 2008

Maulana Abdus Sattar Edhi could not cast his vote in the national polls on Monday. He could not find his name in the voters' list when he arrived at the designated polling booth to cast his vote. He asked the official at the booth to locate his name, but the official told him that his name was not there.
According to the official, in his knowledge, Maulana Edhi had moved to the United States. Maulana, an internationally well-known personality, observed that a list, which did not have his name in the voters' list, could not have been compiled carefully.
On the other hand at Larkana, Fatima Bhutto, grand daughter of the late Zulifikar Ali Bhutto, was found complaining of a list contained only names of voters, with details of NIC cards missing. In fact, this scribe also heard many persons in a polling booth of a sector in the Federal capital complaining of missing names from the voters' list.
A case in point is that of his family members. The names of his wife, two daughters, and two daughter-in-laws were left out from the voters list, although, they have Nadra NIC cards. Their names were included in the voters' list in the 2002 election. This time their names were sent to the Election Commission during the compilation of the list.

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