Musharraf ready to work with new government according to constitution

19 Feb, 2008

President Pervez Musharraf on Monday said the winning party or a coalition would form the next government and he would work with it according to the constitution.
Talking to Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, who is co-chair of the Pakistan Caucus on the Hill, at the President's Camp Office here, he said there was no conflict in his role with the Prime Minister in accordance with the Constitution, which was based on the parliamentary system.
The President said holding of the general elections have belied those who raveled in conspiracy theories and spread misperceptions. Sheila Jackson, who is in Pakistan to observe the elections, exchanged views about the political process and the democratic elections in the country.
President Musharraf gave an overview of the developments leading up to the elections and said that the government was committed to full transition to democracy and these elections were yet another evidence of the sincerity of his commitment.
He said Pakistan suffered from many misperceptions such as the doubts that were being cast over the holding of the elections especially when these were briefly postponed after the tragic assassination of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto.
Sheila said that as member of the House she reflected feelings of her colleagues on the Hill who desired to see democratic, stable and strong Pakistan that continues to play its important role for peace and progress in the region and in the world. They wanted to see Pakistan emerge as a role model following the elections, she added.
Sheila appreciated President's policies especially for empowerment of women and promotion of a vibrant free media with scores of private sector TV channels operating in the country.

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