Moot on climate change at Brasilia from today

19 Feb, 2008

According to a report reaching here the Global Legislators Organisation for a Balanced Environment, is organising the G-8 Climate Change Dialogue in Brasilia from February 19 to 21.
The event will bring together governments, parliamentarians and the private sector to frame the roadmap for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)'s summit in Copenhagen in 2009. An accord reached at Copenhagen on a post-2012 agreement on climate change must be reframed.
A roadmap was approved in the UNFCCC summit in Bali in December 2007. It was agreed to submit a Globe-2012 paper to the UNFCCC on February 22, to be considered at its meeting in Bangkok (31 March-4 April).
This paper that will make key recommendations to reach a post-2012 agreement on climate change, will be discussed in Brasilia with top leaders from around the world, including the Head of the Environmental Law Programme of IUCN, Alejandro Iza.
IUCN will provide Globe with feedback on how to better address the links between climate change, ecosystems and livelihoods for the following key issues: Bio-diversity and ecosystems are our best allies in the face of climate change, for mitigation and adaptation.
Forests capture and store carbon and provide local people with livelihoods. They are also vital to preserve species. Mitigation targets are clearly needed to limit the global temperature increase to no more than +2° compared with pre-industrial levels, but these targets need to be coupled with effective measures for technology transfer and adaptation for developing countries.
The option of bio-fuels as a mitigation measure needs to be critically assessed when looking at the greenhouse gas emissions of the whole cycle of production, as well as its impacts on bio-diversity and livelihoods.
The UNFCCC negotiation process should allow a more equitable participation from all stakeholders, including women, indigenous communities and representatives from developing countries.

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