Partly Facetious: wishing the CoAS every success

20 Feb, 2008

"I never thought I would say this but I am actually beginning to respect the Chief of Army Staff."
"Yes. I mean the guy has shown impeccable judgement in all matters pertaining to the army."
"I agree. Maybe, just maybe, he will take that institution out of the controversy that has shrouded it for over thirty years."
"I wish him every success."
"You can't beat professionalism."
"Certainly true..."
"You know who else I like as much?"
"The spouse of a very well known politician..."
"Yes Asif Zardari seems to have taken over the mantle of authority from his wife, but you know he did have to make his wife's will public to convince the grass root of the party that she really wanted him as her political heir."
"He suffered a lot for her, eleven years in incarceration..."
"He also benefited a lot because of her and let's be honest if he ever makes it to the prime minister's post that would be a dream I am sure he never thought he could fulfil."
"True, but that's not the spouse that I like."
"Who then? I can't think of any other prominent spouse."
"Kulsoom Nawaz."
"Yes you have always liked her I recall."
"She comported herself with dignity and made no rash statements during the time her husband was incarcerated."
"Can't disagree there."
"So I suggest that between Kiyani and Kulsoom..."
"Ah yes, we may then have people who are not temperamental, have no murky past and..."
"Why don't you throw Imran Khan in?"
"Not a part in politics."
"Ah yes, and that's what matters."

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