No laxity, please

20 Feb, 2008

Has wiser sense started prevailing in the Bush Administration in Washington DC,USA? This is an important question asked in the backdrop of the USA officials stating that the American troops will venture in Pakistan in hot pursuit of this and that.
They have been saying that the USA has the right to carry out any operation inside Pakistan's territory for elimination of increasing threat of militancy, extremism and terrorism.
Now, the visiting USA Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Michael Mullen has come out with a rather sensible and positive statement that his country will not carry out any operation inside Pakistan unilaterally as Washington duly respects its sovereignty.
Talking to media people in Islamabad the other day during his three day official visit to Pakistan, Admiral Michael Mullen said that whenever Pakistan wants, we would help it for a possible joint military operation.
As per reports in the print media, the US Chiefs of Staff Chairman also expressed satisfaction over the safety and control system of nuclear assets and categorically stated that the nuclear assets of Pakistan, which is a sovereign independent nation, are properly guarded and are safe. All this is quite appreciable and encourage. But we should continue to be on guard and watchful.
There should be no laxity or relaxation whatsoever in safeguarding and protecting the nuclear assets. Needless to say all world's eyes are on Pakistan as an Islamic country is an atomic power which bitter fact many around the globe cannot accept within their hearts irrespective of what they say publicly. The USA being no exception, at all.

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