US to try satellite shoot-down today

20 Feb, 2008

The United States will take its first shot at an out-of-control spy satellite on Thursday, trying to knock it into the sea before it crashes to Earth, possibly causing damage, CNN news reported Monday.
A second attempt would be possible if the first misses, the channel said, citing military sources. Pentagon officialss were not immediately available for confirmation.
Without intervention, the crippled satellite is due to break into the Earth's atmosphere on March 6 and crash down at an unpredictable spot, risking rupturing its tanks of toxic fuel, US authorities warned last week. A US warship will fire a surface-to-air missile at the satellite at a specific point in its orbit that ensures any Earth-bound debris will splash into the ocean.
The shoot-down plan drew criticism on Sunday from Russia, whose defence ministry said in a statement it looked like a veiled weapons test and an "attempt to move the arms race into space."

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