Safe industrial production: call to increase global investments

22 Feb, 2008

Federal Minister for Environment and Local Government Syed Wajid Hussain Bukhari has stressed on the need for increasing global investments in efficient, clean and safe industrial production methods, as these are key factors for sustainable development.
He expressed these views while addressing 10th special session of the Governing Council / Global Ministerial Environmental Forum of United Nations Environment Protection. The Minister met with Environment Minister of Sweden, Norway, Oman, Russia and Afghanistan. All these countries agreed to work in close liaison with Pakistan on environmental issues and enhance existing co-operation in environment.
The Minister, after the meeting, said that there is a need for assisting countries particularly developing countries in increasing their capacities for sound management of chemicals and hazardous wastes.
"We also need to increase consumer awareness on issues of sustainable consumption and production world over"; the minister added. He said that adaptation, planning, financing and cost-effective preventive actions are needed to be incorporated into national development processes and these actions need to be supported by scientific information, integrated climate impact assessment and local climate data calling for North-South and South-South collaboration.
He urged that UNEP should provide platform for initiating such collaboration. He said improved technologies are needed to be developed, besides devising of mechanisms, whereby these technologies are deployed and obsolete non-environment friendly technologies are phased-out throughout the globe regardless of economic and technological development status of nations. "Strong linkages between the state of eco-systems and human well-being should be promoted including the aspects of poverty and health"; the minister emphasised.
The minister said that Pakistan appreciates the commendable effort made by Executive Director of UNEP in preparing Medium Term Strategy, which focuses on six cross-cutting thematic areas including climate change; disasters and conflicts; ecosystem management; environmental governance, harmful substances and hazardous wastes; resource efficiency - sustainable consumption and production.

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