Seminar on aviation medicine from February 25

22 Feb, 2008

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) will organise a two-day comprehensive seminar on aviation medicine of COSCAP-South Asia here on February 25 and 26, says a press release.
The idea is to equip aviation designated medical examiners and assessors with the required knowledge to assess medical fitness of the applicants for the issuance and renewal of various licenses in accordance with International Civil Aviation Organisation's (ICAO's) standards, the release said.
International aviation experts, Dr Jarnail Singh, Chairman of the Civil Aviation Medical and flight time limitations committee of the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore and Dr Dougal Watson, Principal Medical Officer of the New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority will address the seminar.
The object of these seminars is to enable participants to better appreciate the aviation environment and its interaction with various clinical conditions. Through this initiative, particular emphasis will be placed upon aero-medical decision making within the context of risk management in aviation medicine.
In addition, the content of the seminars has also been designed to benefit medical assessors appointed by civil aviation authorities, medical officers of civil aviation authorities and airlines as well as existing designated/authorised medical examiners (AMEs and DMEs).-PR

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