Domki and Kakar deaths condoled

22 Feb, 2008

Acting chairman Jan Mohammad Khan Jamali and leader of the house in Senate, Wasim Sajjad have expressed grief on the deaths of two prominent politicians of Balochistan as well as former senators, Nabi Buksh Domki and former speaker of the Balochistan Assembly, Sarwar Khan Kakar.
In their condolence messages, sent to the family of former senator Domki, they said, "Nabi Buksh was a patriotic person who always spoke for the cause of the commoners. With his death, the people of Balochistan have lost a sincere political leader and social worker." They prayed for the eternal salvation of the departed soul.
They also remembered Sarwar Khan Kakar, as a well-known tribal leader and seasoned parliamentarian, and said his death is a national loss. "Sarwar Khan had a deep commitment for democratic values and he also contributed forcefully to the legislative business of the House," they remarked. Senator Sarwar Khan died Thursday morning.
He was from Barshore and Toba Tek Ranges area of Pishin district, and was elected six times from his district as member of Balochistan Assembly. He also held portfolios of Education, Finance, B&R, Transport, Excise and Taxation, Revenue, Sports, as provincial minister. He was born in 1945 and studied at St Michael College, Quetta.

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