APAT emergency meeting today

22 Feb, 2008

President of All Pakistan Anjuman-e-Tajiran, Haji Maqsood Butt, has said that the public has fulfilled its obligation and now it is the turn of politicians to fulfil their promises and review the new political situation. The Anjuman has also called for an emergency meeting on Friday (today).
He expressed his views while talking to a delegation of trader's organisation here on Thursday. Speaking on the occasion he criticised the government's failure to take appropriate measures so far to protect the interests of traders, stressing that trader's organisations should express their solidarity over the nation-wide call for strike on February 27, 2008. He also apprised that a convention of the All Pakistan Traders' Organisations (APTOs) would be called on March 7 to rethink all concerned issues to decide future plan and strategy.
He also praised the election and the election commissioner, saying it was transparent. "Now, it is the heavy burden on the shoulders of the new government to stop power and gas breakdowns," he added.
Talking about law and order situation, he said that the lawlessness had badly hit the business community, adding that it caused blocking costumes to move from towns to cities. "This trend is causing a huge loss to traders. Small industries have been shut down which led to increase unemployment and poverty," he said.

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