'Father figure'

22 Feb, 2008

President Pervez Musharraf has quite rightly pledged to be a "father figure" to the new Prime Minister. In an interview with the British newspaper "Independent", the President explained a bit that his role as a president is simply going to be that of checks and balances, "a sort of father figure to the Prime Minister".
By saying this ahead of the Monday polls and even before the would be new Prime Minister's name was known, the President has spelt out as to what sort of relationship he would like to maintain with the new Leader of the House in the National Assembly/the Prime Minister.
The President has already made his good intentions well known to everyone that he is ready to work with any Prime Minister and also that any party which secures and establishes its majority in the national legislature will be asked to form the government.
It all augurs well for the continuation and strengthening of democratic process and the democratic institutions as the country after having been through political turmoil like situation for some time needs stability, integrity and economic progress which is possible through good working relationship between the President and the new Prime Minister.

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