Partly Facetious: why Musharraf can't take a chance

22 Feb, 2008

"Imran wants the pre-November 3 judiciary restored."
"Musharraf can never allow that."
"Right that would mean insurmountable problems for Musharraf as the president."
"Indeed, though I do have faith in the Chief Justice - remember he recused himself after he was reinstated the first time..."
"What do you mean the first time? He has only been reinstated one time."
"OK but my point is the guy recused himself from all cases involving Musharraf and that is as it should have been."
"Indeed but Musharraf can't take a chance. It's almost similar to what happened to Z.A. Bhutto."
"Where does Bhutto come into this?"
"I was referring earlier to Z.A. Bhutto who threatened Zia with dire consequences if he was released from jail so Zia for his own survival had him hanged..."
"Whatever do you mean?"
"Musharraf can't let the former CJ back because that would be tantamount to Zia releasing Bhutto and...."
"I get it."
"Anyway the judges must be restored and..."
"I know where you are coming from."
"From truth, justice, democracy and..."
"You are an educated liberal."
"And so I must be targeted?"
"Unfortunately yes, even while Musharraf talks of terrorists and fundamentalists the real targets these days are people like you."
"Doesn't Bush realise..."
"Excuse me?"
"I stand corrected. Bush would refuse to identify a fundamentalist unless he got a confession from him..."
"Especially in Guantanamo Bay - apparently they don't lie over there."
"Don't be facetious."

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