Poll results termed mirror of national aspirations

24 Feb, 2008

The election results are the mirror of national aspirations for a genuine democratic order, based on the supremacy of the parliament rule of law, and independence of judiciary and media. These views were expressed by the representatives of civil society at a roundtable, organised by the Pakistan Institute of National Affairs (Pina) Study Group here.
The speakers under the chairmanship of former Justice K.M.A. Samdani spelled out the political requirement of successful coalition government in the light of historical experiences of different countries.
The Study Group highly appreciated the vision and wisdom displayed by the emerging political leadership in response to the challenges of great magnitude in forming the coalition governments in the centre and the provinces with a broad consensus and accommodation on national issues.
Samdani, in his presidential address, outlined future course for the coalition government, laying emphasis on good governance. He said the ingredients of good governance are simple approach towards taxpayers' money.
He also pointed out that the action of the government should be prioritised and law and order, rule of law, social justice should be given due importance. Dr Ejaz Butt, professor, Political Science, traced out the various aspects of coalition government in the western Europe and India, and pointed out political requirement demand, clarity of concept, a spirit of mutual respect, a well-defined dynamics of co-operation focused on the common agenda of the security and well being of the people at large.
He said the coalition governments were considered weak and indecisive but they proved quite strong and action-oriented because of wider support base and a natural system of checks and balances in a developed political culture. He was of the view that coalition government of Peoples Party, Muslim League Nawaz Group and Awami National Party would strengthen democratic institutions and motivate the democratic forces for reforming the political system.
Pina Secretary General Altaf Hasan Qureshee congratulated the executive authority, armed forces, law enforcement agencies, the civil society of Pakistan and national and international media in providing assistance for holding transparent and secure elections against formidable obstacles. He asked the audience to interpret the election results in a scientific way for the formulation of future national agenda. He urged the winning political parties to exercise restraint and great deal of patience in addressing complex and sensitive issues.
He appreciated Asif Ali Zardari, Nawaz Sharif and Asfand Yar Wali for showing great sense of responsibility in coming closer and entering into coalition government for resolving the contradictions and confrontation created by the dictatorial regime. He was hopeful that a culture of accommodation would take roots in the peoples government and all sections of the society would extend their support in establishing rule of law and simplicity in national life.
Chaudhry Sultan Ali, a seasoned politician called upon the nation to make its own decisions without taking dictation from USA or other major powers. The electorate demonstrated their anger against autocratic rule and foreign interference in our national affairs. He said that people of Pakistan have a great desire to rebuild their destiny in accordance with the Islamic principles of social, economic and political equality and fair play.
Former foreign secretary Shamshad Ahmad Khan interpreted the election results in terms of the grand victory of the people of Pakistan. He said that civil society and legal community played heroic role in pressurising the rulers to hold transparent and peaceful elections. He was of the opinion that there was a great need to keep the elected leadership on right track by focusing on issues of paramount national importance.
Qayyum Nizami was of the view that political forces must concentrate on translating the gains of the people into a visible social, economic and political change and transformation of the mindset. The Pina Study Group resolved that US and the West should recognise and respect the verdict of the people given in General Election - 2008, and President Musharraf should find a graceful exit; and all the deposed judges should be reinstated forthwith to pre-November 3, 2007 position.

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