Indian cricket team tour postponed

25 Feb, 2008

The short tour of the Indian cricket team to Pakistan comprising 3 ODIs which was proposed to be played in mid March 2008 has been postponed.
President BCCI, Sharad Pawar in a telephone call to the Chairman PCB earlier on Sunday stated that despite BCCI's keenness for this tour to take place, due to the fatigue of Indian players who have been playing non-stop international cricket for last three months, and the very short interval between the end of India's tour to Australia and their next commitment against South Africa at home starting on 20th March, it practically became impossible to squeeze in a short tour to Pakistan at this time. India, however, promised to find time to play this short series any time before the Champions Trophy in September 2008.
This short series was not originally part of the Future Tours Programme but was proposed by PCB keeping in view the uncertainty of the Australian tour to Pakistan.

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