64th free eye camp scheduled from March 1

27 Feb, 2008

The 64th Free Eye Camp is scheduled to be held from March 1 to 31 at Darul Hikmat/Darul-Shifa Hospital Camp Darul-Ehsan Sammundri Road. More than 70 eye specialists would volunteer services, out of which the services of 17 doctors would be provided by the Punjab Health Department.
In addition, para-medical staff comprising 550 volunteers would also perform duties to assist the doctors on this occasion. It is worth mentioning that this free eye camp was started in 1976 under the supervision of a spiritual leader Abu Anees Muhammad Barkat Ali Ludhianvi and the same was being held regularly twice a year in the months of March and October.
After the death of Abu Anees Muhammad Barkat Ali (Founder of Darul Ehsan), the management and other affairs of the free eye camps was entrusted to Mian Muhammad Shafi and Mian Najeebullah, who are the Administrator and Vice Administrator of the camp respectively. This free eye camp is equipped with the latest medical facilities for the treatment of eye diseases.
During the camp days, the eye patients are provided with free medical treatment, meals and accommodation besides provision of eye lenses to the deserving patients free of cost.
The management of this camp has asked the needy patients to bring one attendant along with them (male patients male attendant and female patients female attendant). The attendants would also be provided with free meals and accommodation facilities. The management has fixed the target of 10,000 eye operations during the month, while 9,101 operations were carried out during the camp held in the last October.
It is pertinent to mention that as many as 995 blind by birth persons got the eyesight through successful operations so far. According to details given by the management, a total number of 838,708 eye patients had been treated in out door and 308,090 eye operations were carried out during the last 63 eye camps.

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