Over 2,572 people committed suicide in 2007

27 Feb, 2008

More than 2,572 people committed suicide in 2007 due to one or the other reasons. Some eight die-hard workers of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) also committed suicide after hearing the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, said a report of the Global Foundation, a human rights organisation.
The report was released by President of the foundation, Syed Ulfat Kazmi who briefed the media about the incidents of suicide in the country during last year.
Kazmi said that the major cause of suicide noted by the organisation was poverty, social injustice, unemployment, drug addiction, while in other causes were divorce, loss in business, domestic clashes, mental disorders, protracted illness, disappointment in love affairs, failure in examinations, reprimand by parents and even non-availability of new clothes on Eid or Christmas.
The report revealed that in 2007, some 1,791 men and about 771 women committed suicide. The number of cases registered in Punjab is 1,053. Sindh with 947 incidents of suicide. In NWFP 368 people could not face the hardships of live while in Balochistan 204 committed suicide.

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