Qayyum calls to follow glorious principles of Quaid

27 Feb, 2008

Former president of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Sardar Abdul Qayyum taking serious note of the volatile situation prevailing currently said that people had never been come across such a state of affairs in the past.
"We need to strictly follow the glorious principles of Quaid-e-Azam: Unity, Faith and Discipline to put the country on the track as had been deemed by its great founder," Sardar Qayyum, who is also the former AJK prime minister said. He was addressing the prize distribution ceremony held at Federal College of Education, H-9, Islamabad.
Different programmes including Urdu-English declamation contests, tableau songs were held in connection with Kashmir Solidarity Day at the college. He called for collective efforts by all the citizens to play due role in winning progress and prosperity for the country. "Everyone of us should do something, everyone of us can do something as even picking a stone from the road and putting it aside is equally serving the country."
Sardar Qayyum stressed the politicians to give up the politics of 'defeat and victory' and inculcate among them a culture of tolerance. "This negative politics has inflicted massive damage on all of us," he added. He urged the youths to raise voice at this particular juncture and find out ways as how problems like Kashmir, economy and so many other issues could be sorted out.
Youths should now come up with creativity and determine their respective roles. They should think now for character-building, leadership as well as personality development. He also called for boosting educational standard in the country, saying getting education should not be meant merely for getting jobs. "Education goes beyond simply making money."
On Kashmir, Sardar Qayyum appreciated the bold steps taken by President Pervez Musharraf. He, however, said settling Kashmir dispute was not an easy matter and it could take quite some time.
He hoped the new government coming out of February 18 polls would equally be sensitive towards Kashmir issue. "We are heading forward, our mission is not stopped," Sardar Qayyum said while belying the Indian claim of declaring Kashmir its 'Atoot Ang.'
How could India make such a false claims as it has deployed over 800,000 troops in the held valley to subjugate the Kashmiri people. Speaking on the occasion, Director of the College, Professor Talat Khurshed urged the students to bring about change in attitude, improve performance and go higher in studies. "You (the student) can achieve what we could not in our times."

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