Lawyers' protest

27 Feb, 2008

It is rather dismaying and disappointing that the lawyers continue to indulge in highly unprofessional conduct by persisting with the protest movement and boycotting the courts thus ignoring the legal interests of their clients.
Reports in the print media appearing almost every day with screeching headlines indicate that the lawyers, who on their own have decided to boycott the judges of the superior courts who have taken oath under the Provisional Constitution Order (PCO), chant slogans in support of their demands even inside the court rooms thus apparently committing the contempt of court.
They also do not allow the lawyers who want to stick to the professional conduct and appearing before the courts to represent their clients cases and taken outside the court rooms while chanting slogans. This is highly non-professional attitude of theirs.
As a lay man, I can very well appreciate that the judges of the superior courts are taking rather lenient view of the protesting and agitating lawyers.
Furthermore, bodies like the Pakistan and Provincial Bar Councils are supposed to ensure that the legal fraternity members do not indulge in non-professional activities and represent their clients, who pay them quite well, properly, professionally, sincerely, dedicatedly and devotedly.
But what the lawyers and the councils are doing is highly non-professional conduct as they apparently are ignoring the interests of the litigant public as well as their families and children who must be wanting more attention, affection and time from them.
When will the protesting and agitating lawyers realise their obligations towards the litigant clients and their families and let wiser sense prevail upon themselves? Do they realise that how much inconvenience they are causing to the general public when they are taking out rallies and processions on main roads in the cities and towns across the country?

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