Partly Facetious: prosperity, education to bring peace

28 Feb, 2008

"A senior Islamic Jihad operative has been killed in Gaza."
"Yep and coming in the wake of the assassination of the Hezbollah operative in Syria."
"Right Israel is active again."
"You really can't blame the state of Israel for trying to kill these operatives. I mean their life meant the killing of Jewish lives and..."
"But the Jewish state has taken positions that are downright violations of human rights."
"Like the right to own land and..."
"More basic than that, like the right to actually get access to food supplies..."
"Ah yes the frequent blockades."
"But this is exactly what is happening in our country. Our armed forces are killing the insurgents or operatives if you will and even though the local population may sympathise with many of these operatives."
"Their brand of Islamic law is not quite acceptable to large parts of our population."
"Indeed but if you let them lose in a fair and free poll."
"Right but what if they win?"
"That's a chance you have to take."
"But if they lose they are not going to give up their band of fanaticism."
"No but it has been reported that Mehsud, the man accused by the government of masterminding the plot to kill Benazir is going to send a delegation to Asif Zardari to condole her death."
"Not quite the actions of a man who is charged with assassinating her."
"Not at all."
"So dialogue is preferable to everything else."
"Indeed it is."
"There has to be a compromise..."
"We are told that these fanatics don't want to compromise."
"In the end, prosperity and education, if our government ever invests in that instead of going on foreign trips to sell its brand of democracy, will bring peace."
"That's true, seems to have worked everywhere else."

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