Where has peace gone?

28 Feb, 2008

There was time when Karachi was regarded as the most peaceful city of Pakistan - a metropolis where people from all over the country used to come to earn better livelihood. And now is the time when Karachi is cited as one of the most vulnerable cities which are exposed to bad law and order.
Most of the people living in this city for many decades, are now openly sharing their fear that Karachi is on the verge of an unprecedented carnage as their observations compel them to deduce that many anti-civilisation forces have engulfed their city.
This perception has recently taken its strong hold in the context of bad law and order witnessed recently especially in the aftermath of Benazir Bhutto's assassination when the city witnessed its worst ever looting and terror.
This is still not clear who was actually behind all this looting and terror. However, it has now become overt to the inhabitants of this city that they may again be victims of such looting and terror if the unknown groups responsible for unprecedented looting and terror, are again provided with the same opportunity that they grasped after Benazir Bhutto's assassination.
The inhabitants of Karachi are right in weighing such risks and fears because the establishment is still unable to make it clear that who was actually behind the looting and terror that the city witnessed recently before the general elections.
It is now the duty of elected representatives of Karachi to take the citizens into confidence on the issue of law and order. Voters of this city reserve their right to seek assurance on law and order from the representatives they have voted for.
Thus, I would like to call upon the elected representatives of this city to come up with a fool proof and clear and distinct action plan on law and order that does not allow self-interested groups and individuals to let their militants to again push the city on the path of likely carnage.
Especially, the citizens living in outskirt areas of city where the illegal groups are said to have succeeded in establishing their strongholds, should be given this firm assurance that they now would never be left hostage to anti-civilisation groups. They should be given the firm assurance by their elected representatives that all those miscreant groups and individuals will be dealt with iron hand in a bid to make people of this city live a peaceful life.

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