Philippines Senate passes resolution in Benazir's honour

01 Mar, 2008

Philippine's Senate has passed a resolution honouring the achievements of PPP former Chairperson Benazir Bhutto and condemned her assassination. A copy of the resolution adopted by the Senate of Philippines on January 30 last was transmitted to Senator Asif Ali Zardari, PPP co-chairman through the Senate of Pakistan on Friday.
The Resolution acknowledged Benazir Bhutto as an advocate of the causes of women, children and minorities. It also recalled that she was never found guilty of corruption charges in a court of law even though her governments were dismissed on two different occasions. The Resolution said that in her death, the world lost a great leader and a champion of the poor.
"Whereas, Benazir Bhutto was the first woman and youngest Prime Minister of Pakistan, a position she served twice" it added. The resolution pointed out that whereas, during her stint as Prime Minister, Benazir advocated woman's social and health issues and rallied against laws and practices discriminating against minorities' women and children in her country. It noted whereas, her policies of modernising and democratising Pakistan were always met with opposition from religious fundamentalist groups and right wing conservatives in the government.
The resolution said Benazir was an active and founding member of the Council of Women World Leaders, a network of current and former Prime Ministers and Presidents. "Whereas, she was removed from her office in both terms by two different Pakistani Presidents on grounds of alleged corruption but was never tried nor found guilty of such charges in a court of law," it added.
The resolution said Benazir went into self-imposed exile in Dubai in 1998 where she continued to advocate the restoration of democracy in Pakistan. "Whereas, Benazir returned from exile in the later half of 2007 amid death threats" it added. It noted Benazir was assassinated on December 27, 2007, after departing from a political rally in the Pakistani city of Rawalpindi, two weeks before the scheduled Pakistani general elections of 2008 where she was a leading opposition candidate. "Her death, the World lost a great leader, and advocate of women's rights, a vanguard of democracy, a stanch reformer and champion of poor. Now therefore, be it" it said.
It noted resolved, as it was hereby resolved by the Senate of the Philippines, adding that to honour the life and achievements of Benazir Bhutto and to condemn her assassination.

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