SDF concerned over 'consensus government' with MQM

02 Mar, 2008

The Sindh Democratic Forum (SDF) issued a statement on Friday in which it expressed deep concern over Pakistan People's Party's attempts to form government "of consensus" in Sindh for which it is parleying with MQM. The Forum said it believes that the mandate given to the PPP by the people of Sindh was unique in nature.
Not only is it their show of enormous love and affection for Benazir Bhutto and her struggle and supreme sacrifice for her people and for restoration of democracy and Sindh's rights but also on account of the humiliation, highhandedness, and terrorism suffered by them at the hands of Arbab Rahim, Pir Pagara and MQM combine, backed and supported by the communalist government in the Centre headed by President Pervez Musharraf.
The People's Party should remember that the majority of the people of Sindh have always voted for PPP since its creation in 1970 and has suffered tremendously at the hands of military dictators for this loyalty and also because of their total support for pluralism, tolerance, democracy, rule of constitutionalism and law, and for peace and progress.
PPP should not forget that the previous government of Sindh in which MQM was the major shareholder had caused enormous wounds to Sindhi people and Sindh's politics, chief among which was the constant conspiracy of taking Karachi away from the rest of Sindh by making it a city government, denying jobs and admissions to Sindhi people in Karachi, breakup of Hyderabad district into four parts just to create an MQM dominated district government there by giving a serious blow to the integration of Sindhi people.
Removing cases of heinous crimes like murder and arson against MQM criminals, foisting a governor who was a wanted criminal, doling out thousands of jobs to its supports with out merit, demolition of Katchi Abadis of Sindhi people living in Karachi and Hyderabad while at the same time regularising those of people speaking other languages.
Selling away large chunks of lands in the coastal belt and islands of Sindh are steps specifically meant to hurt the interests of Sindhi people and the body politic of Sindh.
MQM claims to be the harbinger of middle class politics but in practice it has strengthened the decaying feudals of Sindh by helping them to control districts of Sindh as their fiefdoms, reintroducing the inhuman customs like murder in Karo Kari, abduction for ransom and the jirga system. The incoming PPP government must undo all this.
The Forum said it thinks that PPP should form a government without succumbing to blackmail. MQM is an ethnic and communalist party that claims to be national in character but demands forcible representation for Karachiites, meaning Urdu speakers. The Forum considers all people living in Sindh as Sindhis speaking different languages.
Therefore, MQM's demand for forcible representations of a portion of Sindh is unjust and undemocratic and based on mischief. It is imperative that those who sided with Musharraf in his destructive and divisive policies should pay for their wrong decisions. It is also a test of MQM to retain its popularity without the government funds and largesse.
The people of Sindh expect relief from the after effects of the large and dark period of tyranny and dictator ship. They expect security of life and property, employment and food, self-respect and dignity, good governance and rule of law.

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