Chinese believe Beijing Olympic Games the most important event

04 Mar, 2008

People in China believe that the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games are the most important thing to happen in China this decade, according to the most recent Visa International survey of Chinese attitudes toward the Games.
In the January survey, 71 percent of those surveyed strongly agreed that the Olympics would be the most important event of the decade. Those surveyed also feel the Beijing Olympics is a good investment for the country and one that would generate great financial and economic benefits for the country. In the most recent Visa monthly survey, 70 percent of the respondents agreed strongly that the Beijing Olympics were important for the future of China.
Richard Chang, Executive Vice President and General Manager, Visa China said: "Clearly, there is growing awareness among people in China of the significance of hosting the first-ever Olympic Games in China.
While major achievements such as China's role as one of the world's most powerful economies and momentous developments such as its launch of the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft/orbiter in 2003 have put it in the international spotlight, the eyes of the world are now on China like never before as the Games draw closer." The Chinese government is spending more than US $2 billion in preparation for what is expected to be the best games ever.-PR

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