11 percent rise in foreign investors'' profit repatriation

04 Mar, 2008

Foreign investors sent $519 million as their profits abroad during first seven months of the current fiscal year as compared to $467.9 million of the corresponding period of 2006-07, depicting an upsurge of some 11 percent.
State Bank''s statistics show that profit repatriation by foreign investors registered a significantly increase of $51.4 million during July-January of the current fiscal year. The major share of repatriation was witnessed in the power sector, in which foreign investors have done fresh investment during the last few year due to the power shortage in the country.
During the July-January investors sent some 101.8 million dollars profit from financial sector relative to 82.7 million dollar in same period of last fiscal year, depicting an increased of 23.1 percent during first seven months. Communication sector is the second leading sector with 84.3 million dollars repatriation. However, it is less than last fiscal year.
Foreign investors have sent 17.7 million dollars from food sector, 27.3 million dollars from tobacco & cigarettes, 28.4 million dollars from chemical sector, 50.8 million dollars from oil and gas exploration, 19 million dollars from pharmaceutical and 49.9 million dollars from financial sector.
Sector wise, some 5.8 million dollars was sent from food packaging, 13.8 million dollars by trade sector investors, 10.5 million dollars from transport, 2.6 million dollars fertiliser, 48.2 million dollars from petroleum refining and some 23.7 million dollars in the other sector as repatriation during July-January of 2008.
It may be mentioned here that during the last fiscal year 2007 repatriation showed an increased of 299.8 million dollars or 59 percent to 804.2 million dollars as compared to 504 million dollars in fiscal year 2006.

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