Cabinet Division clarification

05 Mar, 2008

Apropos a news item "Massive bungling in Cabinet Division expenditures," carried by Business Recorder on Tuesday, the Cabinet Secretariat of the Cabinet Division has claimed that there has been no financial bungling in the Cabinet Division.
According to it, the correspondent of the newspaper has picked up some material from the Audit and Inspection Report for the year 2006-07 recently issued by the Federal Audit.
"It may be stated that some of the unresolved considerations made by the Audit teams are made part of the Audit and Inspection Report and the Proposed Draft Paras (PDPs) are sent to the concerned division for consideration by the Departmental Accounts Committee (DAC) headed by the Secretary of the Division concerned (who is also the Principal Accounting Officer) and attended by the Director General Audit concerned.
It is after the meeting of the DAC that those paras, which could not be finally settled, are included in a draft report which is placed before the Public Accounts Committee for consideration and decision. The above mentioned observations are at a stage of consideration by the DAC which will meet shortly and most of these paras will get resolved.
"It is worthwhile to mention here that in the news item a reference has been made to the failure on the part of Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Embassies concerned in providing the lists of the recipients of gifts during visits abroad of the delegates which clearly shows that there was no default on the part of the Cabinet Division in the matter. Yet the blame has been wrongly apportioned on the Cabinet Division," the clarification concluded.-PR

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