Steps being taken to promote technical education: Tevta

05 Mar, 2008

President Punjab Olympic Association Syed Shahid Ali said that Tevta has taken many initiatives for the promotion of technical education. He said this while inaugurating the 4th Tevta Annual Sports at Tevta Secretariat sports ground.
He said, sport is a very healthy activity and essential for mental and physical growth. Tevta is now highlighting the importance of sports in addition to promote technical education at the Tevta Institutes throughout the province of Punjab. Chairman Tevta Khalid Mahmood said, healthy body provides healthy mind and healthy minds produce good students. We have allocated enough funds for sport in the greater interest of technical education promotion, he maintained.
Earlier, players held a march past. Secretary Tevta Muhammad Arshad Bhatti, Secretary Punjab Olympic Association Idrees Haider Khawaja, General Manager Operations Tanvir A Zafar, General Manager Finance and Administration Khawaja Adnan Zahir, General Manager Projects Naveed Akhtar Cheema, General Manager Academics Noman Ali Khan, Zonal Manager Central and Chairman Tevta Sports Committee Moazzam Mehmood, Tevta officers, principals and players of Tevta Institutes attended the opening ceremony.

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