Agriculture mainstay of national economy: WMRC

05 Mar, 2008

Dr Rai Niaz Ahmed, Director, Water Management Research Centre (WMRC), University of Agriculture, Faisalabad has stressed the need for sustainable sources of fresh water to support the livelihoods of poor communities in the country.
He was addressing a Farmer Field Day jointly organised by WWF-P (World Wide Fund for Pakistan), Faisalabad and Water Management Research Centre of the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad at a nearby village 75/RB Lohkay (Khurrianwala).
He said that agriculture was the mainstay of national economy and climatic changes have forced efficient use of various agricultural inputs including water to maintain the profitability of agriculture sector for the coming generation.
He appreciated the project titled, "Better Management Practices" (BMPs) for water thirsty crops and said that WWF-P was making concerted efforts on scientific lines to transfer new technologies on efficient use of water to the sugarcane growers of this region.
He also explained in details the experiments conducted by the UAF and said that new technologies developed by experts should be transferred to fields. Asad Imran Project Manager WWF-P, Lahore said that overall objective of this project is to promote use of sustainable sources of clean freshwater to support the livelihoods of poor communities in the country.
It would also help in reducing the adverse effect of agriculture on environment through reduced use of water, pesticides and chemical fertilisers, he said and added that WWF-P was conducting research and field activities in collaboration with Water Management Research Institute, University of Agriculture Faisalabad for the dissemination of water conservation techniques.
A field demonstration with respect to water management was also made through Raised Bed technology and inter-planting of sugarcane in wheat farms. The demonstration was largely attended by the farmers, researchers and representatives of government and non-government organisations.

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