KCCI supports traders shutter down on March 7 against sketches

06 Mar, 2008

Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) President Shamim Ahmed Shamsi on Wednesday condemned the outrageous publications in newspapers in Denmark regarding Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and endorsed the decision of small traders to observe shutter down strike on March 7, 2008.
In a press statement, released here, he said that the persistent outrageous publications in Danish newspapers can hamper the existing trade relations and efforts of Pakistani business community to further increase these relations with the Western countries.
He has appealed to the governments of the Western countries that according to their own claims regarding globalisations, all the present and future customers have to be respected irrespective of their cast, creed or color. Business 'value system' debars the business community of imagining any thought, gesture or visual action that could hurt the feelings of any people what to speak of Muslims of the world that form 1/3 of the consumer community of the world.
He said that knowledgeable western diplomats, politicians, government administrators, intellectuals, thinkers, scientists, and all other claimants of one humanity should exert their influence towards creating congenial business atmosphere world over. Showing 'red' in any shape in the domain of religion, is actually a 'round about' way of instigating extremism of which we are victim and are fighting against it. Our sacrifices on this count are known to the world.
He has appealed to the government of Pakistan to take up this issue on the diplomatic level so that the efforts may be taken to help us in saving the retail merchandise of the Western countries.-PR

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