PEF trains 55,000 private school teachers

06 Mar, 2008

The Punjab Education Foundation (PEF) has trained 55,000 private school teachers in underdeveloped areas under a "continuous professional development programme".
Chairman Shahid Hafeez Kardar chairing a meeting reviewing various programmes to be executed said on Wednesday his foundation had trained 4000 principals and vice principals and teachers on class management, teaching methods for slow learners, lesson planning and group work under the "school leadership development programme".
Kardar also said cluster-based training programme had proved to be successful in improving quality of human capital delivering education services in the private sector. He said transparent mechanism had been evolved to select effective partner organisations having credible track record and expertise in professional development.
"Teachers' training programme is accessed on the basis of learning outcome of students. Cluster-based training has been conducted and focused on content knowledge of mathematics, English and science for primary and elementary level while physics, chemistry and biology are added for secondary level," he said.
Up to 5000 students are receiving education voucher schemes in urban slums in Lahore. The network of education voucher scheme will extend to other parts in the Punjab. "The voucher is redeemable against payment of fees in educational institutions," he added.
Managing Director Dr Allah Baksh Malik said through education voucher schemes, the freedom of choice, productive efficiency, equity and social cohesion had been ensured. Deputy Managing Director Rana Muhammad Arif and Resource Director Human Karam Dad were also present.

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