HBL customer focus week to yield positive impact on banking

06 Mar, 2008

HBL has a long history of being a partner of growth for business and industrial sector, while "HBL Customer Focus Week" would yield positive impact over the banking promotion services. This was stated by District Co-ordination Officer, Major Azam Suleman Khan (retd), while talking to the bankers after cutting Customers Week Cake at District Council Branch.
He urged that bankers for catering the all business establishments in the best interest of the industrialisation in the Industrial City. Professor Dr Iqrar Ahmad Khan Vice Chancellor University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Rana Zahid Touseef, Nazim, City District Government Faisalabad and Mehmood-ul-Hassan Chief Manager State Bank were also special invitees on the occasion of HBL Customer Focus Week in other branches.
The City District Government Nazim and the SBP Chief Manager also addressed to audience and appraised the HBL Management for sensing the prevalent conditions by adapting appropriate tools to increase its market share. Badaruddin Qazi, Regional Chief Executive Faisalabad spoke on the occasion about the HBL need for 'Customer Focus.'
He said, "The aim is to develop consciousness among the staff members to facilitate customer with courteous dealing and more efficient services. It is to give message of respect to Customers. We provide tailored banking solutions to business customers of all sizes in a wide range of industries. We also cater to the needs of a broad spectrum of clients. To do this, the business of banking group is segregated by the size of the customer, he added.
For customers with an annual turnover between Rs 50 million to Rs 300 million, our Commercial Banking group provides a wide range of products that meet specific customer needs, Badaruddin Qazi added. He said that the Corporate Banking Group focuses on personalised services to large corporate borrowers who need tailored facilities.
The Corporate Bank manages a diverse portfolio, being an active player in a multitude of sectors including textiles, sugar, leather, pharmaceuticals, fertiliser, petrochemicals, power, aviation, automotive, telecom, oil and gas and other sectors.
The Investment Banking Group is a market leader. It provides innovative capital strategy solutions to major local and multinational entities, he added. Badaruddin Qazi said that the HBL Management since privatisation is striving to bring all round improvements in service quality of the bank.
It has determined its Vision, stated the Mission and decided the Values as Excellence, Integrity, Customer Focus, Meritocracy and Progressiveness for advancement in the future. In the competitive market of the day, the bank is placing high value on Customer Service. Last year the bank staff observed a full week for 'Customer Care Festival'.
This year again, a Customer Focus Week is being celebrated in all regions of the bank. Celebrations of the week commencing from March 3, 2008 will be continued throughout the week. For that Retail Management of the bank had already passed on directives to all branches for making necessary preparations.
Main emphasis during the week will be on customer focus, appreciating and regarding loyalty, acquiring new customers, improving the service perception and motivating the staff members for better interaction with the customers, he concluded.

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