HRCP criticises government for failure to check suicide bombings

06 Mar, 2008

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) here on Wednesday called upon the administration to demonstrate some capacity to protect lives against terrorist attacks instead of merely announcing alert or red alert after which explosion or suicide bombings occur.
Iqbal Haider, Secretary-General of (HRCP), in a statement said that attack inside the Navy War College in Lahore on Tuesday was not more serious than the recent incidents in Swat and Dera Adamkhel in which nearly 100 people perished but the fact that the site was pretty close to Governor House and Punjab Assembly chambers and the students at the college included officers from friendly nations lent it special significance.
He said that, as usual, the authorities announced a red alert across the country. Such gestures are becoming increasingly meaningless as the terrorists are evidently enjoying freedom of land. He said that the administration must now admit its failure to deal with the menace of terrorism. He said the people have the right to know what has been done to locate terrorists training camps, the routes used for supply of explosives, and the sources of their funds.
He posed question upon the authorities whether militants were trying to extend the life of the regime voted out on February 18 or do they want to damn the new government before it takes charge.

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