Eight PML MPAs support PPP-led coalition in Balochistan

09 Mar, 2008

Muslim League got further set back when its 8 members formed a Humkhial group on Saturday and announced support to PPPP in Balochistan. Muhammad Aslam Bhutani, Rubina Irfan, Hamal Kalmati and Basant Lal Gulshan in a press conference on Saturday announced formation of Humkhial group and unconditional support to Pakistan People Party to form government in Balochistan.
They addressing press conference in the presence of Nawab Muhammad Aslam Raisani a future chief minister of Balochistan, said that their support to PPPP would be unconditional.
Another six MPAs 4 from PML and 2 indepdnents also announced support for PPP. They included Amanullah Notezai, Habibur Rehman Muhamamd Hasni, Shoaib Nausherwani and Babu Rahim Mengal as well as independents Zahoor Hussain Khosa and Saleem Khosa.
Meanwhile, Nawabzada Lashkari Raisani provincial president of PPPP Balochistan said that his party has attained enough support of newly elected members to form government in the province.
He said that apart from PPPP's own (11) members, the party has the support of BNP Awami (7), PML Humkhial group (4), ANP (3), JUI Ideological group (1), National Party (1) and independent (7). Lashkari said that 33 members are required to from government whereas PPPP has backing of 34 members.

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