Sarkozy faces first test at French local elections

10 Mar, 2008

French President Nicolas Sarkozy faced his first electoral test since coming to power last May when voters cast ballots on Sunday in local elections expected to deal a blow to his centre-right UMP party.
The Interior Ministry said turnout at 1100 GMT was 23 percent, or two percent more than at the same time during the last local elections held in 2001 when final voter participation was 70.1 percent. In an overcast and wet Paris, turnout at midday was 13.05 percent, down from 16.5 percent in 2001.
Sarkozy has suffered a dramatic fall in popularity since his election last year on a platform of economic renewal and a break with the policies of decades of past governments.
A personal style seen by many as brusque and flashy, widespread media coverage of his private life and marriage to former supermodel Carla Bruni and, above all, worries about the cost of living and the faltering economy have eroded support.
A poll by the Ifop institute on Tuesday put Sarkozy's personal approval rating at 41 percent, down from 67 percent in May last year. By contrast, his understated prime minister, Francois Fillon, had 66 percent support.
Sarkozy has said his determination to pursue economic reform will not be shaken by the election and the government points to the popularity of Fillon as a sign that it has solid support. But questions have been raised over whether severe losses could push Sarkozy off course.
"You can already hear the commentary from some people: 'Perhaps we've gone too fast?' 'Perhaps we've gone too far'," conservative daily Le Figaro said in an editorial.
More than 287,000 candidates are running in the cantonal and municipal elections over two weekends on March 9-16. Twenty two ministers and junior ministers are standing for local office and several, including Economy Minister Christine Lagarde are facing tough battles that could dent their image.
Sarkozy is not directly involved in the elections and most voters say local considerations will weigh most heavily when they decide on their mayors and municipal councillors.
But a survey on Friday showed 50 percent of people believed that the loss of some big cities to the opposition Socialists would represent a personal defeat for the president. The Socialists, split by internal wrangles since the defeat of their candidate Segolene Royal in the presidential election, have sensed their first chance to hit back at Sarkozy, although party leaders have warned supporters not to be complacent.

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