Call to remove bottlenecks hampering Indo-Pak trade

11 Mar, 2008

Riaz Umar, leader of an Indian trade delegation visiting Pakistan and chief of Jamiyat Punjabi Saudagran India, has emphasises the need to remove bottlenecks hampering bilateral trades between the two countries.
Speaking at a meeting of Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) on Monday, he said that at present both the countries were importing large number of products from third countries on higher prices.
These goods can be exported and imported form each other on substantially lower price, he added. He said that Indian and Pakistani were paying higher prices for several products due to restriction on imports of theses good by the two countries.
He said that in the changing business environment market forces should be allowed to decide from where they want to import goods. He suggested that Jamiyat Punjabi Saudagran India and KCCI should form sub-committees on their ends to work on issue of busting two way trade.
Speaking on the occasion, President, Jamiyat Punjabi Saudagran-e-Delhi Pakistan, Shaikh Khalil Ahmed Nanitalwal suggested establishment of Pakistan, India and Bangladesh business forum to promote trade among the countries. President KCCI, Shamim Ahmed Shamsi invited Indian delegation to participate in KCCI exhibition 'My Karachi' scheduled to be held in June this year.

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