Majority favours reinstatement of judges: Imran

11 Mar, 2008

Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan said 75 percent of the people wanted re-instatement of the judges and restoration of judiciary and they have expressed their will through recently held elections. He urged the government-in-making to accord top priority to restoration of the judiciary and re-instatement of deposed judges.
"There will be no democracy at all until the judiciary is restored," Imran Khan told APP in an interview here. The PTI chief said the new government could only run the country's affairs provided major players set aside personal interests, learn lessons from the past mistakes and attach due importance to the challenges confronting the people.
He, however, urged the government-in-making to demonstrate patience and evolve a trend of 'give and take' if it wanted to complete its term. To a question as to how much time would be given to the new government to fulfil its commitment regarding restoration of judiciary and re-instatement of judges, Imran Khan said as soon as the government was formed and the session of the parliament was convened.
"We stand for justice in all the sectors and we would struggle for it...we want to see Pakistan as had been thought by Quaid-i-Azam," said Imran Khan. He said the PTI would take part in next elections if this government succeeded in restoring judiciary.
When asked if there were any second thought over not participating in the elections, Imran Khan said the Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) did not intend to win seats as it only wanted to secure justice for all.
"Ours is an ideological party that strives to bring about equality and eliminate elite-culture....I would boycott elections 100 times if held under such circumstance that we've had recently," he added. Imran Khan said he would not give up struggling even if he were being rendered alone.
Commenting on lawyers' movement, Imran Khan said this had ushered in a new era in the country's history and brought about revolutionary changes. "It was lawyers' movement that made possible the return of Mian Nawaz Sharif and (late) Benazir Bhutto", he asserted.

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