Bureaucracy and good governance

11 Mar, 2008

For the last about two years hardly a week goes by when I do not see on a TV channel the talk about the marvellous leadership and good governance of young City Nazim Karachi. Normally I never believe TV channel reports.
But I had to believe at least this one only because of praises about him from the most honest God fearing judicious writer Mr Ardeshir Cowasjee who in his column more than once used good words for this young City Nazim.
But is he really that successful as the TV channel report, wish we the commoners to believe? I think not. I feel he is of course successful as far as new planning and development projects are concerned but not as far as bureaucracy and day to day people's sufferings are concerned.
For the last more than a year I am addressing this young City Nazim to get information about a Surjani plot. He forwards my requests to his concerned Deputy and this circle for the last more than a year is going on. The young City Nazim perhaps does not know that the bureaucracy under him who translate the good wishes of the Nazim into action is more strong with their services glued to the chairs - thanks to the political backings.
The President of Pakistan Secretariat referred my enquiry to Sindh Local Government and Katchi Abadis who in turn referred it in routine to Project Director Surjani in November 2007 report back to the Presidency within a week but till today that one week has not finished. When a President's forwarded reference has no value in the eyes of Sindh Local Government or in the eyes of Project Directorate how the innocent young City Nazim can honestly expect someone from his juniors will actually listen to him.

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