Iran students put bounties on heads of Israeli leaders

11 Mar, 2008

Iranian hard-line students have offered rewards totalling a million dollars for the "execution" of three Israeli military leaders over deadly strikes on Gaza, the student news agency ISNA reported on Monday.
The group is even encouraging Iranians to donate their kidneys to increase the bounties on the heads of Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak, Mossad spy agency director Meir Dagan and military intelligence chief Amos Yadlin.
The rewards were announced by the Justice Seeking Students Group on Sunday at a ceremony in Tehran entitled "setting the bounty for the revolutionary execution of the designers of state terrorism," ISNA said. The bounty for Barak is set at 400,000 dollars while those for Dagan and Yadlin are 300,000 each, the report said.
"These sums will be given to any person or their families who could punish these individuals in any part of the world," the organisers of the event announced.

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