Indus Motor holds 'After Sales Kaizen Marathon'

14 Mar, 2008

Indus Motor Company (IMC) organised the third annual After Sales Kaizen Marathon at a local hotel, awarding first prize for the best Kaizen initiative to Toyota Faisalabad Motors. The Marathon and accompanying Dealer Conference was attended by the Company's management and staff, delegates from the House of Habib as well as IMC dealers and staff.
Addressing the audience on the occasion, IMC Chief Executive Officer Parvez Ghias appreciated the efforts of IMC dealerships and highlighted the positive role of Kaizen at IMC and its dealer family.
Stressing the need for applying Kaizen in the workspace, he said: "Kaizen is not a formula or a short cut to success, but a mindset, a work attitude and a culture for continuous improvement and business growth. Kaizen nurtures innovation and creativity in each employee."
Parvez Ghias also highlighted the growing expectations of Toyota customers as Toyota captures more and more market share, and urged IMC and its dealers to continue to focus on customer satisfaction by taking after sales service to higher levels.
Taken from the Japanese words Kai meaning "change" and Zen meaning "better", Kaizen is a very effective management tool employed globally. Improvement in product quality, process economy, teamwork and safety leading to savings and efficiency are the main benefits of Kaizen.-PR

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